为了保证和持续改进产品质量, 国茂鑫鳌陆续通过了ISO9001:2015质量体系认证,ISO14001:2015环境体系认证,被评为安全生产标准化三级企业。
为客户提供快速,可靠,优质和合理价格的产品和服务是我们过去取得成功的秘诀。 国茂鑫鳌会一如既往地遵循这个原则, 专注于持续改进内部管理和工艺流程,为客户提供更好的产品和服务。
Located in City Changzhou, Province Jiangsu, Changzhou Guo Mao Xin Ao Machinery Co., LTD was established in 2004 covering an area of 20,000 ㎡. The company specializes in resin sand casting since the establishment with annual capacity at 15,000 ton. Thanks to the expertise in casting and advanced production, inspection and testing equipment, the products and services of the company are well recognized by the customers.
In order to sustain and continuously improve product quality, the company sets up quality and environmental management system according to ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004 and evaluated as Safety Standardization Enterprise.
In order to optimize process and enhance innovation ability continuously, the company cooperates closely with Changzhou University by setting up an apprentice platform where both parties can exchange know how. The company works also together with Jiangsu Institute of China Academy of Machinery Science & Technology to apply the 3D printing of sand mold which reduces the lead time of new productssignificantly.
The success of the company in the past roots in the simple idea of providing quick, reliable products and services with premium quality at reasonable price. Based on this solid foundation, we will further improve the engineering, manufacturing as well management process to serve our customers at their highest satisfaction.